- centric cutting burs
- centric cutting ball burs
- multi cut burs
- centric cut pin burs
- centric cut pin – multi cut burs
- rough burs
- aluminum cutting burs
- hardened material cutting burs
- pilot hole cutting burs
- internally cooled burs
- chambering burs
- radius corner burs
- torus burs
- radial burs
- ball burs
- cylindrical-front burs
- inlet groove burs
- tee burs
- angular burs
- concave radial burs
- crown burs
- rough burs
- disc burs
Drill bits
- without internal cooling
- with cooling channels
- gradual
- multi cutting
- winding
- with cylindrical clasp
- micro drill bits
- feathering
- winding
- straight
- barrel
- carbide blade
- chamfering
- cutting
- replaceable
- with a hole
- multi cutting
- turning
- milling
- coarse
- with internal cooling
- frontal
- expansion
- carbide
- attachable
- conical
- conical
- remote controlled
- frontal
- cylindrical
- frontal–cylindrical
- straight groove
- with a helical groove
- manual
Turning tools
- local cutting knives (for general purpose)
- gripping knives
- uniform knives
- permanently connected knives
- folding knives
- revolving head knives
- radial knives
- contact knives
- shaping knives
- radial moving knives
- uniform knives
- permanently connected knives
- foldable knives
- rolling knives
- post knives
- contact movement knives
- enveloped knives
- threading knives
- roller knives
- shaping knives (post)
- high speed cutting knives
- clamping
- reductive
- rolling